Individual Plus Monthly

$99.00 / month

Provides access to all Market perspectives, Pathfinders, X-Ray documents and all updates, with new content released every month.  X-Ray documents are vendor-specific reviews, updated after major vendor news and/or financial statement publication.



This plan is a subscription for individuals providing access to restricted blog and article content.  It includes X-Rays and paid reports (Market Perspectives and Pathfinders).  Billing is charged monthly with no limit on the number of downloads per month.  X-Ray documents are updated and created weekly, while long-form blog posts are posted at least weekly.  Market Perspectives and Pathfinder reports are updated typically once or twice a year.

  • Billing: Monthly
  • Method: Credit Card
  • Price: $99/month

Our billing is managed via Stripe.  Click here to read our privacy policy and here for terms of use for this website and content.